Update on Fall Sports

These last couple of weeks our fall teams have been in action, here are some of the updates from our first couple of weeks.




The football team had a great week!!! Varsity took on Washington and came out with an amazing win. Their first win of the season, with the ending score of 31-12.



The volleyball program continues to make tremendous improvements with each outing. We have a great mix of leadership from our veteran players and great potential in our younger players.



Our boys have been working to get better every week, with a great battle our varsity team fell short 0-1 to Spring Hill. With a bounce back we were able to defeat Ottawa 3-2. After those two busy weeks, we are now 2-3 upon the season.


Cross Country-

We had our home meet this past week or so. We had a lot of improvements. We have a very young team and can’t wait for the rest of the season.